National wetlands inventory files, 1980-1988.
Related Entities
There are 2 Entities related to this resource.
Illinois. Department of Conservation (corporateBody)
The Department of Conservation (created 1925) succeeded the Dept. of Agriculture's Division of Fish and Game in administering state fish and game codes. Additionally, the department was charged with water pollution prevention and forestry promotion responsibilities. Upon assumming the powers of the Illinois Park Commission (1909-1917) from the Dept. of Public Works and Buildings (1951), the department became responsible for state monuments and memorials; and the state park system. Other departme...
United States., Department of the Intérior (corporateBody)
The Alaska Public Works Program was authorized during the 81st Congress through the Alaska Public Works Act, Public Law 264. The Act authorized the General Services Administration to construct public works in Alaska, at a total cost of $70 million, then to sell them to the Territory of Alaska or other public bodies in Alaska at a purchase price that would recover approximately 50% of the total estimated cost. The authority, set to expire June 30, 1955, was extended to June 30, 1959. The program ...